The MacApp software is proprietary to Apple Computer, Inc. and is licensed to Kevin A. Mitchell for distribution only with the GIFConverter program.
This file contains information about GIFConverter 2.3.3.
Please report bugs or suggestions to Kevin Mitchell at the address below, on Compuserve Mail at 74017,2573, America Online at KevinM17, GEnie mail at K.MITCHELL, or through Internet at Support is also available online in the Graphics Support Forum of CompuServe, and through the Macintosh Graphics and CAD forum on America Online.
GIFConverter may be used for 15 days without charge. After 15 days, you must order GIFConverter or destroy your copy. To order, print the order from found in the program, and send with $40 plus shipping and handling ($5 US, Canada and Mexico, $10 international) to:
Kevin A. Mitchell
P.O. Box 803066
Chicago, IL 60680-3066
DUE TO NEW SALES TAX LAW, ILLINOIS RESIDENTS MUST INCLUDE 8% TAX. This offer is limited, and may be withdrawn at any time.
You will receive a package containing:
o The latest version 2 release.
o Printed documentation.
o A software key that will remove the shareware notice seen when starting GIFConverter.
Now you can register online on CompuServe. Just GO SWREG. GIFConverter's registration ID number is 90. Read the online files there for more information.
Official releases and upgrades may be downloaded from Compuserve at the Graphics Support Forum (GO GRAPHSUPPORT), library 3, the Macintosh RoundTable on GEnie, or from America Online in the Direct Connect folder of the Macintosh Graphics and CAD forum (keyword: mgr). GIFConverter updates are also available through some user groups, disk services, and Internet FTP sites.
GIFConverter is a “shareware” program. Shareware offers the opportunity to try out a fully-functional copy of a program before purchase. Although GIFConverter is freely available, it is a copyrighted program, and use or distribution in violation of the License Agreement and Distribution guidelines is against the law.
You may give copies of GIFConverter to your friends for evaluation. GIFConverter may be placed on BBSes and online service providers (such as Compuserve, GEnie and America Online) provided that the GIFConverter package is downloadable without charge beyond normal connect charges. GIFConverter may be placed onto diskettes distributed by user groups at nominal fee.
When distributing GIFConverter, please give the complete contents of the disk, making sure that all note files are transferred as well.
Vendors desiring to place GIFConverter into their catalogs must contact the author at the address on the cover requesting permission to distribute this program, and outlining their fees and shareware policies.
Whenever GIFConverter appears on a catalog, diskette, BBS, or online service, it must be identified as shareware. Vendors and operators must make it clear that online charges or disk fees have not paid for the use of this shareware product, and that additional payment is due the author.
Version 2.3.3 (10/23/93)
o GIFConverter no longer reports zero colors when reading some GIF files. This also caused crashes, or errors saving as GIF.
o Using command-period to stop the slide show should work on all machines now.
o It was impossible to stop a slide show if GIFConverter required more time to load a document than the slide show interval. This has been fixed.
o The Options... button in the Save dialog box didn't work right if a user clicked in the upper left quarter of it. This has been fixed.
o When the Memory or Progress windows came to the front, GIFConverter would not enable the correct menu commands. Clicking on a window would restore the correct commands. This has been fixed.
o 24-bit images may now be cropped. They may now also be copied when selected by the marquee.
o GIFConverter can now open a document even if there isn't a properly installed and selected print driver.
o The missing preview picture in EPSF files has been fixed.
o The units controls in the print margins box now work properly.
o A bug that caused crashes when choosing the Enhance command has been fixed.
Version 2.3.2 (3/7/93)
o GIFConverter no longer crashes when opening JPEG/JFIF files on the Macintosh Classic, SE, Plus, or other non-color Macintoshes.
o The images in the slide show are now in the right size and color.
o GIFConverter now properly saves GIF files that contain only one image, and the one image has just been pasted into an empty document.
o GIFConverter no longer crashes when the shareware reminder window is up and the user clicks in the menu bar or types a command key.
Version 2.3 (2/25/93)
o Converted to use MacApp 3.0.1. GIFConverter now requires at least System 6.0.5.
o GIFConverter can accept the Required suite of AppleEvents. This means that drag-and-drop should be working right.
o Fixed bug where the wrong message was given if GIFConverter needed QuickTime.
o Added new bar-type progress window. More file operations show progress now. Note that when using QuickTime for compression (including JFIF files), the progress bar takes longer to show up. This is a restriction of QuickTime.
o Added compressed TIFF output with prediction. Fixed some bugs with TIFF. Provided workaround for saving TIFF files that Microsoft Word can read.
o Added support for the Independent JPEG Group code. This code allows GIFConverter to read and write JPEG files without needing QuickTime.
o Fixed some bugs saving files where the colors weren't properly saved.
o GIFConverter should recognize more file types. It should also have less problems reading files from ISO 9660 disks.
o Files can be opened from the desktop even if they are the wrong type.
o Fixed halftoning and inversion problems in EPSF output.
Version 2.3b2 (9/10/92)
o 32-bit (millions of colors) pictures can have their color pallettes changed or reduced.
o GIFConverter no longer requires System 7; this was a programming error. System 6 is sufficient.
o GIFConverter now dithers to one-bit properly in all cases, including 24-bit color pictures.
o Dithering to one-bit color should now work on systems set to millions of colors.
o GIFConverter no longer gets an Unimplemented Trap error opening PICT files on Pluses, SEs, and Classics.
o The key screen now has only one button. You can enter your key and press OK.
o JPEG graphics should no longer get clipped to the screen size.
Version 2.3b1 (7/31/92)
GIFConverter works best if you have System 7 or 32-bit Color QuickDraw installed. GIFConverter requires QuickTime for PICT compression and JPEG support.
o GIFConverter can now create and manipulate "Slide Show" files. These files can contain the names of other files to be displayed. Use the Show menu to work with these files. When playing a show, command-period stops the show, and a mouse click or keypress will take you to the next frame.
o GIFConverter now supports 24-bit reading of the following file types: TIFF, PICT (including PICT files compressed with QuickTime compressors), and JPEG (JFIF).
o GIFConverter now supports writing JPEG (JFIF) files.
o GIFConverter can create compressed PICT files if QuickTime is installed.
o When saving files, GIFConverter automatically reduces the number of colors to the number the file can handle.
o GIFConverter can now recognize a file by its extensions even without the "look inside file" options: .GIF, .PICT, .RIFF, .TIFF, .TIF, .JPG, .JPEG
o Options/Settings for files are now available though a File Settings... menu item (Special menu), or from a button in the save file box.
o Fixed bug reading RIFF files that weren't a multiple of 4 in width.
o Changing printer margins now takes effect without having to do a Page Setup to get the printer to recognize the new values.
o GIFConverter no longer gets confused when using Save As or Save As Copy to change the file type of the file shown on the screen. Sometimes it would give the file the wrong type, even though it contained the contents you wanted in it.
o Fix a bug that crashed GIFConverter after saving the 2nd or subsequent PICT file.
o Fixed problems reading from compact discs, especially ISO 9660 standard discs.